AmigaActive (1670/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:25 May 2000 at 17:13:56
Subject:Re: A few old Amiga games...

Hello Don,

On 24-May-00, you wrote:

>> imagine the catweazel is the only way to go to get a reliable HD
>> floppy drive.

>> I'm reluctant to go for one for my A4000 unless I have to, I can
>> imagine all sorts of conflicts :(

> No, so long as you have a spare slot for the card, just plug in,
> connect drive, install software drivers.. No problems, no OS
> patches, no conflicts.

That sounds ideal. Slots are no problem, I have my A4000 towered in a
Power Tower, with the 7-slot daughterboard.

> Just remember you can't boot from it. It is an extra drive, like a
> Zip or similar. It is all legal.

Booting would not be a problem, my original HD drive is still
functioning. It's just the fact that it is virtually irreplaceable
now, so reading HD disks would be a problem should it fail.

I imagine I could replace the HD with a DD drive for booting purposes,
should the drive die, and use the catweasel controlled HD for
everything else. I take it the catweasel allows reading of DD disks as
well as HDs?


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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